Bad Breath (Halitosis)
Treatment in Kurnool

Find the Best Bad Breath (Halitosis) Treatment in kurnool

If you're looking for the best bad breath (halitosis) treatment in Kurnool, look no further than SARA Dental Clinic. With a team of skilled professionals and state-of-the-art facilities, they provide top-notch treatments for various dental problems. Whether your bad breath is caused by dental issues or underlying health conditions, SARA Dental Clinic offers comprehensive solutions to address the root cause.

Don't let bad breath affect your confidence and social interactions any longer - simply book an appointment with SARA Dental Clinic and experience their exceptional care firsthand.

Best Bad Breath (Halitosis) Treatment


Q. What is halitosis?

It's bad breath, which can be chronic or occasional.

Q. What causes halitosis?

Causes include poor oral hygiene, certain foods, dry mouth, gum disease, smoking, medical conditions, or medications.

Q. How can I prevent/treat halitosis?

Prevent by maintaining good oral hygiene, drinking water, avoiding tobacco and certain foods. Treat by addressing underlying causes, improving oral care, and seeking professional advice.

Q. Can mouthwash help with halitosis

It provides temporary relief but doesn't address the root cause.

Q. Is halitosis a sign of a serious health problem?

In some cases, it may indicate underlying issues. Consult a healthcare professional if it persists.

Q. Can tongue cleaning alleviate halitosis?

Yes, cleaning your tongue can help remove bacteria and food debris.

Q. Is halitosis contagious?

Halitosis itself is not contagious, but underlying infections may be.

Remember to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment.